

Monday, March 24, 2008

Interview... Tapes 'n Tapes

Tapes ‘n Tapes

Interview with Josh Grier

Words By: Ashley Marie Sansotta

Photos: Ashley Marie Sansotta

Just when you realize you’ve listened to Tapes ‘n Tapes’ The Loon, more times than your iPod is willing to admit, the Minneapolis boys are ready to release their highly anticipated follow-up, Walk It Off (due out April 8th). I recently spoke with frontman Josh Grier about the recording and releasing of their upcoming debut. And if they haven’t won your hearts over already with The Loon, or with their new album, go see them play when they come into town this month, and you’ll be a sucker for Tapes ‘n Tapes, too.

REAX: I was seriously obsessed with The Loon, and wondered how your next album could measure up. But you guys really did a fantastic job. Did you ever feel pressure when you were putting Walk It Off together?

Josh Grier: Not too much, really. I mean, I think that the pressure we felt was self-imposed. We wanted to make an album that we were all happy about. That has always been our focus. Even with our first EP, when it was only us messing around, we just wanted to make something that we all enjoyed. We try to have that mindset every time we record. Because, in the long run, that’s what matters the most: if we like it.

REAX: When you signed with XL Recordings, one of the reasons you said you went with them was because it was important to you to have creative control. How did this impact you with Walk It Off - coming from recording in a cabin with such a limited budget?

JG: They really did let us have total creative control on it. We sent them like 6 or 7 demos before we recorded - and they were pretty rough demos. But XL assured us, “We have faith – you guys just do what you want – it’s your record and we believe in you.” So, we went out and made the record. It was pretty awesome. I kind of expected what you hear stories about. The label saying, “Sure, it’s your single... but, you need to change all this stuff.” Instead, they just wanted us to keep the record however we wanted to keep it. It’s like we’re operating the same way we were operating before; But this time, we’re working with a really amazing producer in a big, fancy studio, you know? (laughs)

REAX: What made you guys decide to wet our Tapes ‘n Tapes taste buds and stream Walk It Off on the internet?

JG: Honestly, part of it was impatience. We’ve been done with this record since the end of October, and have been sitting on it for so long that we just wanted people to hear it. So, we thought, let’s stream it for a day and let them hear it! And, at some point – in this day and age – it’s going to leak, you know what I mean? So, we decided that we can be the ones to leak it, as opposed to somebody else.

REAX: I saw your recent interview with Spin, where you briefly spoke of possibly putting together a little album with one of the songs you had left over from Walk It Off, called “Wired.” Are you playing “Wired” on this tour?

JG: I don’t know whether or not we’ll play it on tour. I mean, nobody’s heard it, and it’s kind of... umm... it’s kind of a big, long song. I think it’s just one of those things where I think it would be weird for people hearing it live for the first time, as opposed to hearing it recorded, you know?

REAX: No way!!! You should definitely play it!

JG: (laughs) Well, I mean, we’ll see. (laughs) But, we have twice as many songs on our set list now, anyway. Which is a great thing for us. Because back then, we were pretty much like... I don’t know. I mean, there’s only a few ways you can arrange like 17 songs.

REAX: I know. You’re probably sick of playing the songs from The Loon, but everybody loves them. I’m hoping you guys play some of your old stuff on this tour, too.

JG: I think we’re playing a pretty healthy mixture. It’s still fun to play the stuff from the old album, we aren’t too tired of playing them. And it’s good to get some new stuff in there, too. Mix it up a little bit and keep it fresh.

REAX: I also read about your scheduled appearance Conan O’Brien the day after your album comes out. Will you be playing “Hang Them All?”

JG: Probably, yeah. Since it is the single, that’s probably the wise thing to do, huh? I guess that’s what we’re supposed to do. (laughs)

REAX: How did you guys pick that to be your first single from the new album?

JG: The label thought it would be a good choice. And, I guess it’s up-tempo. So, it seems like a good first single. It’s weird to be like, okay, what’s the best first impression we can draw of the record, so that people who have heard The Loon will see that there’s some type of bridge between the two? It has to fill the gap. And, you know what? It’s fun to play!

REAX: I’ve read that one of your favorite songs to play live from The Loon is “Jakov's Suite.” Do you have a favorite song you play from Walk It Off yet?

JG: Oh, I don’t know... I think that all of the songs are great to play, just because it’s all new. Rocking out and having a good time. “Demon Apple” is a lot of fun to play.

REAX: I love that song! And I can’t wait to see you guys play in Orlando!

JG: Sweet! Yeah, it should be awesome, for sure! The last time we played at the Social, it was a lot of fun. So, it should be a good time.

Photos from the show at The Social - Orlando

Tapes ‘n Tapes

w/ special guests: White Denim

Courtesy of Ashley Marie Sansotta

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